The Cycle of Vitality-Way 3: Minimize Energy Sucks
NourishDeep centers much of its learning around repairing the cycle of vitality, the rhythm of giving and receiving that is happening in your life on varying levels all the time. We have established how this cycle is meant to be a balanced flow of energy moving out from your center then naturally returning back to your source for renewal. Today we are going to look at one type of potential energy-suck in your life as it pertains to your cycle of vitality, living from the outside-in.
The apple tree as metaphor. One helpful example of a well-functioning cycle of vitality is an apple tree that gives fruit in the fall. Once it has done this, the energy of the tree begins to return back to its core to hibernate and replenish during winter. This is what causes the leaves to fall off its branches. This same movement of energy back inward is meant to happen inside of us.
There are two important concepts to note here. One: the tree replenishes its energy after giving. And Two: come spring, when it is ready to give again, it is stemming from its core and nowhere else. This may be a stretch, but try to imagine if the apple tree concerned itself with all the types of fruit that animals like to eat and spent energy surveying them, then tried to differentiate each of its fruit based on the needs of those around it. Likely it would have spent most of its vital energy in the process and, come fall, it wouldn't have had enough energy to actually bear fruit!
Give from the core, or from what others think? What part of your life does this resemble? Do you expend your energy trying to please those around you, instead of giving what naturally feels authentic (your core)? If you are accustomed to living your life based on what you perceive as everyone else's needs, it's possible that going inward and checking in with your own needs is a foreign concept. And doing this, connecting to your core, allows you to create the fruit YOU are destined to bring to the world, what you were uniquely made for.
Simplicity comes from core. Feel the simplicity and purity of what is being given when the tree follows its nature. Maybe another stretch, but be the tree for a moment. There are no convoluted machinations, no stress or worry about how to proceed. How does your nervous system respond when you imagine living this way? What are some of the qualities of this energy? For me, this gives a whole new meaning for the old phrase, "take it or leave it." That always felt rude when I heard that. But right now I feel the integrity in it. This is who I am inside and out. These are my gifts to share in this life. When giving freely from this place I feel more alive and naturally restored.
Consider the people, behaviors and activities that tend to zap your energy and leave you feeling depleted and possibly a little irritable or even small. What is it about the dynamic in these situations that is causing you to feel depleted? Is there a common theme among them if you really look at them closely.
Nature has boundaries - what are yours? Until recently, the idea of needing boundaries has always seemed inconsequential to me. Boundaries were something that other people needed. And I felt that people who needed them were somehow weak. I now realize that boundaries are not barriers and they don't keep people out. And if anything, they call upon strength, resolve and self-assuredness. I believe that a new word is called for, one that describes strength of inner knowing and self reference, a word that stands for living from the inside out, instead of always taking other's opinions and needs into account before acting. Boundaries, once practiced will eventually become unapologetic and actually a gift to the people in your life, like a freshly-picked apple.
Be as a tree, honor your unique gifts. Going forward, find time to honor your gifts and listen to your own needs. If you've never had a journal before, maybe it's the right time to get one for yourself. There's no time like the present to get to know yourself better and therefore learn what it can feel like to give from a place of plenty and vitality.
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