The Cycle of Vitality - Way 4: Live Your Values
If you’ve been reading, doing the worksheets and embodied meditations we’ve been providing you, you might have noticed that these different avenues of self awareness about your cycle of vitality might sometimes sound similar, or you may start to see some strong patterns. With each way that we explore, they bring you back to your core, your values, your purpose, your unique essence. They help you look at your cycle of vitality. What is so fun and fascinating (at least to me) is that with just a different question, use of different words, or a different angle on what provides fluid to your cycle of vitality, you can discover new layers that open you up to your center – spirit.
So this week, we will have you look at your core values. Usually if a giving and living activity energizes us, it’s because it aligns with one of our values. Values are our drivers of decision making – they motivate us to act one way or another. When we make decisions that are healthy for our body, mind and spirit, we are usually making choices aligned with our values. When we make those decisions, our giving, or actions in the world, also give us energy. When we make decisions that are not aligned with our values, we usually feel less positive energy. We might even feel difficult emotions like anger, depression or numbness. This is one sign that our cycle of vitality is in need of attention, and more specifically, our values.
Have you ever taken a moment to really determine what your top values are? We all have many, and there are usually some top ones that stand out as most important. They can shift in their order of importance at different times of our life, but usually there are some core ones. In our tool this week there is a link to a set of values shared by Brene Brown. Take a look at these, see if you can identify your top five. And if you are like me (always wanting to do things my way), come up with your own words - they only have to mean something to YOU.
When you look at the values list, come back to our question this week, “What is the motivation behind all your giving and doing? Is it energizing or draining you?” Once you have some of your key values outlined, it’s easier to see why certain activities you are engaged in may not be energizing you. It may be that you are operating based on a societal norm or expectation, but it’s not aligned with YOUR top values.
Here is a simple example. I am an Executive and Personal Coach and often write up notes for my clients. I don’t enjoy writing the post meeting notes. I prefer to allow myself to be fully in the moment with my clients, asking them deep questions, listening intently, and not getting caught up whether I wrote something down perfectly. I was writing and giving notes when it wasn’t even a part of my contract. I felt some kind of obligation, from somewhere, who knows. This past year, I was thinking about the note-taking, knowing it was valuable, but wanting to find a way for my clients to have something from me in addition to their own notes- something that was more life giving to me. I also was aching for some more creativity in my life (self-expression is one of my top 3 values). I got inspired from a past coach of mine who periodically would send me designed images that highlighted a key point from my coaching session that really inspired me - I LOVED it. It resonated with me. So, I decided I would start doing the same thing! I learned Canva, and started sending periodic graphic images to my clients encapsulating a key phrase, learning or goal they had expressed. I got rave responses! And it was so fun for me! Deciding to start providing something to my clients that filled my cup, while also giving them something of use, felt so good. My negative energy about notes shifted into something I look forward to. Sometimes I still send clients notes, but it is more joyful then, because it is something I want to do, not something I felt I should do.
Get clear on some of your top values, look at your life and see how they are being honored, or not, and see how this contributes to your cycle of vitality!