The Cycle of Vitality - Way 5: Cherish Your Gifts
A fifth way to your vitality highlights the gifts you bring to the world and how the act of cherishing and honoring these gifts and talents can help harmonize your cycle of vitality.

The Cycle of Vitality - Way 4: Live Your Values
Get clear on some of your top values, look at your life and see how they are being honored, or not, and see how this contributes to your cycle of vitality!

The Cycle of Vitality-Way 3: Minimize Energy Sucks
Consider the people, behaviors and activities that tend to zap your energy and leave you feeling depleted and possibly a little irritable or even small. What is it about the dynamic in these situations that is causing you to feel depleted?

The Cycle of Vitality – Way 2: Assess Your Relaxation Habits
Life is hard work and breaks from “work” are important. We invite you to be honest with yourself and assess whether you are relaxing in a way that serves your goals and dreams…and your cycle of vitality…or not.

The Cycle of Vitality-Way 1: Analyze Your Giving & Receiving
Where is your energy going and how are you replenishing that energy? Look at your giving and receiving.

The Cycle of Vitality
There is an ancient teaching that has existed for as long as anything has. It is the story of beginnings and endings, expansion and contraction, giving and receiving.